5 days at the Hilton Malta

5 days at the Hilton Malta with kids

Malta isn't a country I'd ever spared a thought for before we moved to Sicily, but since we arrived we've been consistently told we needed to go visit. At the end of last month, we finally did! This trip has actually been in the workings for the better part of a year becau [...]


In dolce attesa

In Italian, in dolce attesa translates to something like "in sweet waiting." Today marks our eighth anniversary, so it seems as good a time as any to announce that we are in dolce attesa!


We moved! And other updates.

Yikes, it's been quite a while! I'd apologize, but to be honest the last couple of months I've just been flailing around trying to keep up with everything that needed to be done. It's been a fun but incredibly busy summer! So, a quick recap since I last left off ...

  1. We had visitors! My [...]
