A Roman Holiday

And Naples, too. We took our first off-the-island trip to celebrate both Thanksgiving and Chris' birthday and we ended up having an absolute blast. I did learn, however, that I need to revisit baby-wearing. Like now. I had given up on my Ergo pretty quickly after Fiona learned to walk because she'd throw a fit ever [...]


Our first day trip — Taormina!

Well, yesterday was the one week anniversary of our arrival in Sicily so to celebrate we took our first day trip! As an added bonus, we made it through an entire day with only three major messes and one wardrobe change: 1) Fiona and Owen covered in chocolate ice cream from their first-ever gelato


We’re here!

Well, we made it! And in one piece, though the airline did lose one of our car seats (luckily we brought three for various boring reasons). Our flights did not end up being too bad, though we had our doubts about how things were going to go when we got to the airport and Fiona was already in a super defiant mood. [...]


The original babies with backpacks

As I try not to freak the fuck out about worry about the fact that we are down to our last couple days in our house, it seemed like it was just about time for a trip down memory lane.* *This is not at all related that I'm a procrastinator and realized today that our sc [...]


The trip we aren’t taking

This morning started with a text message letting me know that our flight to New Orleans, scheduled for around 9 a.m., was being pushed back until around 9:30 a.m. because of aircraft maintenance. Given my obsession with being at airports super early, I'm sure this development -- while minor -- would have led to some ex [...]
