For whatever reason with my family, we always seem to have various mishaps while traveling. Get a group of us together and invariably we’ll end up with a slew of “remember that time in Pisa …” or “remember that time with the crowded train …” as a springboard into a story of misadventure from our family lo [...]
Tag: Visitors
One of the best parts of having visitors is being inspired to revisist some of our favorite places! When my in-laws were here, we visited our two favorites -- Siracusa and Taormina -- and checked out places we hadn't seen. Taormina Taormina is one of our favorite places! Despite that one time t [...]
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So, yesterday Tuseday our first-ever overnight guest arrived! Our friend Mike (who we stayed with in Naples) is on the island for work, so he is staying with us so we can all hang out. If we haven't scared him off by Friday, his wife is also going to join us and we are go [...]
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